
About TMC Insight Labs

The idea for TMC Insight Labs came from almost a decade's worth of experience serving as the Head of Technology in an SME that served other SMEs. That SME was TMC, and through my work with them, I was exposed not only to the internal technology needs of our company, but also to the needs of our clients. As it turned out, we weren't the only ones going digital. Many of our customers were trying to do the same too! So I hatched the idea to start a sister company which would focus entirely on providing the type of services I was already providing to TMC and a few of our clients. This sister company, called TMC Insight Labs, is the business you're interacting with right now.

Vision Statement Core Values Why Choose Us
To catalyze the emergence of more sustainable, growth oriented, and tech driven enterprises in Nigeria At TMC Insight Labs we strive to solve business problems by leveraging technological tools. So it is a given that we value Problem Solving which requires Creativity, Learning, and Understanding. Firstly, we are certified providers of Data Analytics and Digital Marketing services, and Secondly, we bring over 20 years of experience in SME Business Development to the table via our partners, TMC

Meet our team

For now, we're a small team with big dreams. Beyond our Founder/CEO and the TMC team, we also have a few advisors (not pictured here).

Damola Mabogunje

Chief Executive Officer

Damola is a graduate of computer science from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. He is Google trained and certified in Data Analytics and Digital Marketing and E-commerce.


Business Development

Toki Mabogunje & Co. aka TMC is a Business Development Services Provider that has a history of over 2 decades helping Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigetia succeed.

If you like what you see, Join us!

Send us a message via our Contact page expressing your interest and willingness to join us, and we'll get back to you with how to move forward.